click here for a printable application. Membership is for the calendar year. First year membership dues are paid at the time of signup. For those joining on or after June 30 of any year, the membership fee is $25 plus five dollars for the “Hole-In-One” fund. Thereafter, annual dues are charged to your club account, in December, for the following year. Current annual dues are: $50Acknowledgement(Required)I hereby apply for membership in the Landings Women’s Golf Association (LWGA). I understand that annual dues will be charged to my club account each December for the following year. I Agree Name(Required) First Last Name You UseIf you are known by another name, please enter it here.Club Membership Number(Required)Phone(Required)Email(Required) Email use is restricted to LWGA business.Area in which you live.(Required)Deer CreekFranklin CreekThe MarshesMarshwoodMidpointMoon River LandingOakridgePalmettoYour Landings Street Address(Required)Resident Since(Required)Previous HometownPlease enter the City, State of your previous residence.USGA Index(Required)A new member must have an established USGA index of 32.9 or lower.Skills SurveyIf you have expertise in any of the following areas and are willing to share it, please let us know by checking all that apply. Accounting Photography Writing & Editorial Graphic Design Word, Excel etc. Wordpress Specify OtherPlease specify Other Software skills or any other skills you are willing to share.CaptchaIn order to verify that you are a human being, you must check the 'I am not a robot' box below. Please follow any instuctions that follow. Without this verification, your request will not go through. EmailThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.